Supervised by Kaitlin Stone, MA, LMFT #117116

Group Therapy (Adults)
Addiction & Trauma
This group therapy program acknowledges the complex relationship between trauma and addictive behaviors, aiming to provide a safe space for individuals to explore their experiences, develop coping skills, and cultivate resilience.
FOR ADULTS - (18yrs +)
Group Goals
Understand the relationship between trauma and addiction and how they intersect in individual experiences.
Develop insight into personal triggers, patterns of behavior, and coping mechanisms related to trauma and addiction.
Learn and practice healthy coping strategies for managing trauma-related symptoms and reducing reliance on addictive behaviors.
Foster a sense of community where members feel understood, accepted and empowered to pursue recovery.
Price: $45 a Session
Duration: 8 Weeks / 1 hour per session / Weekly
Capacity: 4-8 Participants / Closed Group Setting
Location: Virtual / Zoom
Dates: (Starting soon!) Contact for upcoming dates
Day/Time: Saturdays @ 10AM